Welcome at OpenSpaces!

OpenSpaces is a biannual, peer-reviewed open-access journal for geography education that aims at providing space for critical approaches within different traditions of geography education and beyond, linking critical aspirations, academic quality and speaking positions for young and emerging scholars. We highly appreciate submissions in English or German for our upcoming issues.

OpenSpaces provides you with four categories under which you are able to submit your contribution:

  • Teaching theory & methodology
  • Teaching practice
  • Projects
  • Symposiums

Please consider that English as well as German abstracts have to be included in every publication. Every submission is subject to a check for plagiarism conducted by the editorial team.


To prevent inconveniences, please refer to our authors' guidlines prior to your submission:


Reference Guidelines OpenSpaces.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 115.8 KB

Please, direct your submissions at:


jana [dot] pokraka [at] uni-due.de


Notes on Publication:
OpenSpaces is published biannually and only accepts first-time publications that undergo a double-blind review process through external reviewers based on the guidelines of decent scientific practice.